Monday, September 28, 2009

Wizard101: 5 Million and Counting

A few weeks ago, King Isle placed the new (and some what pretty) fountain statue, in the pond, in the commons. The purpose of it was to show thanks to us, for playing the game. Wizard101 has passed the 5,000,000 registrations mark. So there are over 5 million wizard accounts. That's just incredible. September was also a celebration of their 1 year anniversary. So basically that means in one year they gained 5 million players.

Congratulations Kings Isle! You have made an amazing game, and as it continues to grow and get better so does the community.

Lots of people complain. Such as you take to long to add new worlds. Or something is wrong with this, or this needs to be changed, or this is stupid. Though in reality, you update the game almost every month. That's faster then nearly every other MMO I have seen. Your a very talented organization. No matter what people say, or complain about, this game is very well made, and the community is amazing.

Unlike some games, you actually listen to your players. Your updates come from our ideas, and our feedback actually is read.

Mounts are coming next month, and I can't wait. I am sure it will bring a lot of joy to all the people complaining of boredom. Seriously I don't think it's possible to be bored while leaping through town on a tiger!


Or a dragon....or horse...or broom....either way it will be awesome.

King Isle has done a very good job with this game so far. I can't wait to see how it evolves.

Again, congrats on hitting the 5 million mark. And thank you for making such an entertaining game.

A happy player and fellow wizard
Tyler Earthstrider

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